1/21/ · Essay on Importance of Play for Children and Students. January 21, by Study Mentor Leave a Comment. Life is vast. Life is complex. Life is sublime. To sail through the complexities of life we always need quality time. In all these hurdles, obstacles of life playing keeps us alive, young. It plays the vital part in our life Free sample essay on Our Playground. A playground is part of a school. Mental and physical development is quite necessary for the wholesome development of a personality. Having this in mind our school authorities have chosen a playground ideal in many respects. The playground is located about a kilometer from our school The School Playground. There is a good playground in our school. It is just close to the school. It has green grass looking like green velvet all round the ground. There are green shrubs which are beautifully trimmed. There is a gardener to water and look after it. It is divided into 4 parts. We play football, hockey, cricket and volleyball
Playground Essay | Essay
Life is vast. Life is complex. Life is sublime. To sail through the complexities of life we always need quality time. In all these hurdles, obstacles of life playing keeps us alive, young. It plays the vital part in our life. Without it life becomes dull, boring. Play makes us feel enthusiastic about life. When we talk about play the words like revitalization, freshness, rejuvenation comes to our mind.
Playing is something that while doing it we find ourselves away from all the hindrances, obstructions and obstacles of life. Play has been an integral part of human life as playing gives us enthusiasm to enjoy life, short essay on playground.
The type of play we used to play has been changed throughout the time, but playing has been still a significant part of our life. The type of playing we used to play included jumping around, hopping and the play which children used to play without any goal or motive just for fun every day. That kind of playing were called free play without observation of anyone, short essay on playground. Free plays were unorganized. Image Credit: Source. Nowadays play includes art lesson, music lesson, sports coaching etc.
that boosts confidence and enhances social skills. The type of playing is no more of free play because it is not about only fun but also about taking steps towards goal. Parents are also preferring this kind of play over free play because it involves physical goods with mental and practical benefits and safety of children. Play with motive is good but free play shapes a child in way more than we can imagine, short essay on playground.
Children should indulge free play as it makes them more imaginative, innovative without any pressure and improves brain function as children think, interact, meet, laugh with each other. Playing improves the power to focus. Playing ameliorates short essay on playground learning process of a child as it involves most of the brain work with an enjoyable environment. By playing children learn.
In our modernized world parents think that education should be the highest priority for their children. In this cut throat competitive world, they are forgetting the fact that play is the practical way of learning.
In a recent study it is found that kids do better learn while they have given recess. Play enhances emotional growth and makes more sociable.
It is the main factor for building self-esteem and self-confidence, short essay on playground. The above saying holds the truth as most people think that playing is only for children and there should be age limit to play. It is also true that play is a work of child, short essay on playground. In our hectic environment to feel young and alive we should bring the child among ourselves. Play makes us enthusiastic and lively by bringing the child in us.
As an adult, people stick to television sets or smartphones to relieve stress. But this is the worst way to relieve ourselves from hectic environment and to have a healthy body as our body needs movement and mind needs cheerfulness. Play is the best way for relaxation and enjoying yourself free short essay on playground all work and tight schedule. Playing improves the productivity in work as it stimulates the brain function and builds emotional growth.
It is found that most of the companies are also introducing leisure time and indoor plays for their employees. A person needs strong body and mind to fulfill the purpose of life. A mentally or physically weak person cannot achieve the goal in life.
Life becomes burden for a sick person. Wealth or power cannot make a person happy without mental or physical well being. Playing increases the power of concentration and tolerance. Playing relieves stress which makes us mentally strong. It builds the immune system strong resistance to diseases. People do intense workouts to have a sound body.
Instead of doing intense workouts playing is far better as it involves pure fun and creativity. As we live in a world of tightly scheduled, workaholic environment to feel stressed and feverish is unavoidable.
Playing short essay on playground the ability to withstand the pain. As human beings are called social beings, we cannot live without being sociable or to live alone.
So, it is important for us to be amiable with others. Playing involves activities like meeting, sharing, trusting, interacting, laughing with each other. Be it a child or an adult everyone needs to play as it. involves the above activities which are the main factors for social growth. Fun, laughing, sharing activities makes the relationship bonds stronger. A playful and friendly nature helps to make new friends, to build business relationships.
Playing in groups is a practical fun way of group activities which teaches us how to coordinate and leadership qualities. Life is not all about work and commitments, it is about enjoying yourself. Playing is something that always reminds us the innocence of childhood. While playing we short essay on playground feel ourselves. So, be it a person of any age group it is important not to quit playing as we know it is a happy talent.
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Essay on my school playground in english -- 20 lines essay on my school playground in english
, time: 3:31Our School Playground Paragraph - English Essay

8/25/ · It has a huge boundary wall. We play all types of games in the playground. We play volley-ball, hockey, football, cricket and basket ball, our school Principal encourages all students to play one or the other game. We have very strong teams of players; they practice different games in the playground. Various matches are held on this playground In the distance, the ringing of a phone can be heard as fog drifts over the playground. Through the mist and fog, a boy can be seen climbing onto a roof, collecting his ball. He climbs as sure-footed as a cat and ignores the warnings from his peers. Hurried scampering is seen, as students scurry into the building hoping for warmth and shelter The playground consists of many monkey bars, swing sets, slides, and other things to climb on, such as a dinosaur, a play house, and a fire truck. The dinosaur and play house are basic monkey bar type structures, but the fire truck offers many things like
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