Discussion of the Sample ArgumentAnalysis: This is an excellent argument analysis. Fromthe title to the conclusion, the analysis has been constructed as a unifiedwhole. The summary is objective and accurate, the thesis clearly statedat the end of the first paragraph, the body supports the claim made inthe thesis, the student uses evidence 5 Paragraph Argumentative Essay Examples. The traditional argumentative essay outline for 5 paragraphs essays consist of one introduction, three body paragraphs, and one conclusion. Here are examples of 5 paragraph argumentative essays. The following example is a step by step guide for crafting an argumentative essay Sample Argumentative Essay #1. This essay is something a high schooler might consider as they prepare for the four most exciting years of their lives - college
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Click here to return to the Home Page. Sally A. Student Sept. Thompson Old-Fashioned Sexist, Racist, and Classist Argumentative analysis example A Review of Charles Murray's "The Coming White Underclass" In a Argumentative analysis example Street Journal article entitled "The Coming White Underclass," conservative writer Charles Murray foretells a potential doom for American society in the form of widespread high rates of illegitimacy.
Using trends in black crime rates and black unemployment as cautionary illustrations, Murray predicts that white culture will be catastrophically affected by the recent increases in illegitimacy rates among poor white women.
To combat the rising rates of illegitimacy, Murray proposes that single mothers should no longer receive government support, forcing them to either involve other responsible adults from their families or communities, or else to give up their babies for adoption or to orphanages. In short, Murray sees his proposal as a shift back to the values and social norms of America's 's, argumentative analysis example. Although many of the problems he outlines are indeed pressing and argumentative analysis example, Murray clearly fails to understand the underlying causes of illegitimacy, making his attempt to form solutions extremely misguided.
Murray makes a crucial error in logic when he attributes a variety of social ills to argumentative analysis example. He argues the "trend lines on black crime, dropout from the the labor force, and illegitimacy all shifted sharply upward as the overall black illegitimacy rate passed 25 percent" Ramage and Bean Murray probably has his causality backwards.
Murray admits that "white illegitimacy is overwhelming a lower-class phenomenon" Ramage and Bean 28 without stopping to consider that whatever measures he suggests for eradicating illegitimacy must take into consideration the causes of illegitimacy in order to work effectively.
When Murray does attempt to identify the root causes argumentative analysis example illegitimacy, he comes up with a simplified and sexist version of puppy love. Surely the situation is much more complex than Murray calculates here. If this statement were true, then all races and economic classes of American society would suffer equally the plague of illegitimacy. The reality of illegitimacy, argumentative analysis example, however, is much more more complex and includes such variables as race, education, argumentative analysis example, and poverty.
Additionally, Murray provides no evidence that "girls think babies are endearing. Murray, however, assumes that girls are asexual beings, giving in to sex in order to have living dolls to love.
If the real reason girls ended up with babies is because they like to sleep with boys to continue in Murray's "cutesy" rhetoricthen a real solution would focus, say, on birth control methods to prevent the babies in the first place. Also troubling argumentative analysis example Murray's essay is his repeated targeting of black America as an example of what could happen to white America, argumentative analysis example.
What happens within the black community whose ancestors were the legal property of white slave-owners, argumentative analysis example, who were granted civil rights barely a generation ago, and who face current and continual discrimination to this date, can hardly form an appropriate analogy to the white situation.
Too many variables are unique to the black situation for anyone derive sweeping conclusions applicable to the entire white culture. Murray has essentially divided America into a white us versus a black them, and he cautions "us" against ending up like "them.
It cannot survive the same epidemic among whites" Ramage and Bean Disguised as a gritty utilitarian philosophy of the greatest good for the greatest number, Murray's "brutal truth" is little more than racist self-interest shrugging off the plight of millions of black Americans.
Very little in Murray's essay is worth salvaging, argumentative analysis example. He identifies a pressing issue in our culture and earnestly attempts to present a solution for it, but he lacks a fundamental understanding of the real causes of illegitimacy among the poor, and, even more damning, makes no real attempt to uncover them. Instead, he reduces the problem to simply: "boys like to sleep with girls.
His out-dated solutions won't solve our modern problems as we face the new millennium.
Argument Analysis Essay
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Discussion of the Sample ArgumentAnalysis: This is an excellent argument analysis. Fromthe title to the conclusion, the analysis has been constructed as a unifiedwhole. The summary is objective and accurate, the thesis clearly statedat the end of the first paragraph, the body supports the claim made inthe thesis, the student uses evidence Read Argumentative Character Analysis Of Josie Argumentative Essays and other exceptional papers on every subject and topic college can throw at you. We can custom-write anything as well! 3/12/ · Argumentative Essay Example: Wealth Inequality Wealth inequality is not just how much a particular nation possesses, rather it concerns how wealth is shared within a society. Every society has a variety of factors that make them different; inequality leads to a host of problems, as various aspects of a society are made uneven, including views, attitudes, and beliefs
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