2/27/ · What discussion sections in scientific papers should and shouldn’t contain. The discussion section might well be the hardest part of a paper to write. Yet, so useful! In a great discussion section, the authors tie the different findings of the paper together, analyse them in the context of existing literature, offer speculations, suggest further Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins 11/29/ · Rules for Writing a Discussion. Write down the response of each result, but not rewrite the data. Use references that belong to you, your colleagues, or other parties. Write down the facts of the results, but don’t be hyperbolic. Avoid writing non-specific expressions, such as “higher temperature”, “very significant”, “at a lower level”.Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins 6/22/ · The discussion section of a scientific paper is probably the hardest section to write. Authors must highlight their findings but not overstate their relevance. They must introduce other studies for comparison and give their own results context. In many cases, authors also must highlight the limitations of their work and then give readers a Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
How to Write a Strong Discussion in Scientific Manuscripts
Well, now you will enter into the most important and easiest to write. Why is that? Because in writing the Results and Discussion you will convey the results of your research. If you can convey the results of your research well, then the reader will find and understand the essence of your research easily. This section is also the easiest part to write because you know very well how the results you get. However, sometimes you feel confused about how to write good Results and Discussion right? What needs to be written down?
How to write it? And so on. The Results is where you report your research findings based on the methodology you apply.
Write discussion scientific paper results section must state the research findings arranged in a logical order without bias or opinion. The section describing the results is very necessary if your paper includes data generated from your own research. Important things in writing a Result are:. If the journal you are targeting requires that the Result and Discussion sections must be separate, then follow that writing method.
Opinions can be expressed write discussion scientific paper writing a Discussion. So, the writing structure will be as follows:. What is the difference between reading data and interpreting data? Write discussion scientific paper have examples from several sources about the differences between the two, namely:, write discussion scientific paper. Statistical analysis showed that group A had a value of 9.
These results are in Table 1. The result of the analysis of statistical data calculations shows that the average value of group A is higher than group B with a significant difference.
The more detailed result regarding statistical calculations can be seen in Table 1. However, if what is written in the interpretation, then the reader will understand what the data shows the result. Besides, please avoid words that are too general and overly exaggerate data. Keep in mind again, for the result avoid the first writing the opinion of the author. Mutations were detected in almost all samples. Well, the above sentence is not clear.
Though not necessarily because this sentence is subjective. Mutations were detected in 99 samples out of a total of analyzed samples. In addition to delivering research results, the results section must also display test results. The test here is used to provide evidence that your research has reached the target formulated and is better than previous research.
The purpose of this Discussion is to interpret and describe the importance of your findings. The explanation is base on what is already known and to explain the new understanding or insight that arises as a result of your study of the problem. Discussions will always connect to the introduction through research questions problem formulation or the hypotheses you submit and the literature you review. The Discussion section is the most important part. In the Discussion stage, the researcher is expected write discussion scientific paper be able to discuss the results of the research referred to in certain references.
In this section, you can write your opinion, but write discussion scientific paper opinion is derived from the facts that you find from reading various references.
Because this section must be full of references, I suggest you use your published paper with a related theme preliminary research write discussion scientific paper a reference, write discussion scientific paper. It can also be a trick that supports the results of research that is currently done to be as if better than previous research. Besides, your paper that has published its citation score can increase the more it citeswrite discussion scientific paper also the editor can see the progress of your research progress.
This is important to show that your research is not making it up, falsification, write discussion scientific paper, engineering, and so on.
Read Also: Tutorial on Insert Citation and Bibliography Using Mendeley Desktop. The following example you can follow in writing results that refer to references with the IEEE style.
The standard of comparison used was the predicted RMSE value for each location. The comparison is shown in Table From Table 11 it can be seen that the result of rainfall prediction using the hybrid method produced lower predicted RMSE values for the four areas of Puspo, Sumber, Tosari, and Tutur when compared with the results predicted by the Tsukamoto FIS algorithm alone. The hybrid method also generated a smaller RMSE at Tosari and Tutur area when compared with the prediction results using the GSTAR-SUR method.
The RMSE difference in the Sumber area using the GSTAR-SUR method was only better by 0. However, write discussion scientific paper, the predictions showed that the hybrid method generally produced better predictions indicated by the smaller RMSE values.
Some authors misunderstand and assume that the discussion section only addresses positive or good research results, even though they are not. If you have negative research results, for example, the results of your research accuracy are worse than previous studies, write discussion scientific paper. You still must write in the paper and explain why this could happen. Reasons that support and a good explanation, will make as if the results of your research are not too bad and still worthy of being published.
I have published a paper with some of the worse results from previous research. However, because I pack the sentence neatly, finally my research seemed to look better. You can see an example in Figure 3 or more complete reading my paper with the title: Rainfall Prediction in Tengger, write discussion scientific paper, Indonesia Using Hybrid Tsukamoto FIS and Genetic Algorithm Method.
For more information read also 7 Tips and Write discussion scientific paper for Publish in Scopus Journal. Important Info: Do not forget to check the Journal Guideline or Author Guideline in each journal. In a reputable journal, the first selection is a matter of writing template, if the writing template does not match the journal template you are aiming for, then your paper will definitely be rejected even before it is reviewed.
To improve your writing skills, you can follow some guidelines in writing each section in the following article. Author: Ida Wahyuni Instagram Direct Message: idawahyuni student in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Central University.
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Home Categories Science and Technology Concept Cyberspace Software Academic Exploration Health Legal Privacy Policy Term of Service Help About Us Contact Us English English. Tips for Writing Results and Discussion. Write Your Opinion in The Discussion. Write Positive and Negative Results with the Right Explanations. Written by Ida Wahyuni Ph. Guideline For Writing References on Scientific Paper In this article, I will explain tips for writing references easily.
Here are some tips. Introduction to Structure of Scientific Paper In writing a scientific paper, we are usually required to follow the writing structure of…. Leave a Comment.
Writing a discussion for a research paper or thesis
, time: 11:568 Tips for Writing a Scientific Discussion That's Authoritative

11/29/ · Rules for Writing a Discussion. Write down the response of each result, but not rewrite the data. Use references that belong to you, your colleagues, or other parties. Write down the facts of the results, but don’t be hyperbolic. Avoid writing non-specific expressions, such as “higher temperature”, “very significant”, “at a lower level”.Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins 2/27/ · What discussion sections in scientific papers should and shouldn’t contain. The discussion section might well be the hardest part of a paper to write. Yet, so useful! In a great discussion section, the authors tie the different findings of the paper together, analyse them in the context of existing literature, offer speculations, suggest further Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins 6/22/ · The discussion section of a scientific paper is probably the hardest section to write. Authors must highlight their findings but not overstate their relevance. They must introduce other studies for comparison and give their own results context. In many cases, authors also must highlight the limitations of their work and then give readers a Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
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