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Mpa admission essay

Mpa admission essay

mpa admission essay

Essay 2. Public service professionals face tremendous challenges both in and out of the workplace. Resilience and strength of character are vital characteristics for success in any facet of public service. Describe a challenge you encountered in your personal, professional, or academic life Consequently, my goal is to successfully complete master of public administration and serve society as a high quality public official. In order to achieve my career goals, I have to study and internalize the current developments and new policy strategies in public administration, and political applications in different geographical areas of the world 10/28/ · Harvard Kennedy School MPP & MPA application essay questions MPP and MPA mandatory personal history essay Diversity of all kinds (race and ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, physical abilities, political philosophy, intellectual focus, socioeconomic status, geographic and many others) is important to enriching the educational Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins

Master of Public Administration Application Checklist | NYU Wagner

At the time, I was working in the non-profit sector and felt the business themes, combined with the government and non-profit specifics would mpa admission essay a fantastic fit for my interests and future, mpa admission essay. Following two semesters of classes at the University of Kansas Medical Center to quench my taste for the medical connection, I ultimately completed the application process and was accepted to the MPA program. I looked forward to the two-year program and to learning about public service, leadership, perseverance, strength and more.

The Mission of Public Service As I mentioned, at the on-set of the program, I was working in the non-profit sector, at the Kansas City Free Health Clinic. I was not married then, and was able to dedicate all of my time to work and school. I felt a huge sense of pride in the work we were doing at the Clinic.

The Clinic was my first exposure to the idea of public service; the idea that working toward a mission meant more than the bottom line in the financial statement. Even then, mpa admission essay, I believed being a public servant meant following a moral compass that helps you to decide what is right and what is not, mpa admission essay. Is this true of leaders in the private sector too?

Of course, but my opinions were confirmed as the beliefs of many outside the private sector as I attended the Mpa admission essay Resources Management course within the program. It appeared the stakes felt a bit higher, mpa admission essay, the passion was a bit easier to see and taste, the mission was on the surface.

In the class, the idea of mpa admission essay and fairness was in mpa admission essay conversation. We also dove into the concepts of pay for performance vs. pay for seniority or level.

Coming from a background in the private sector prior to my work at the Clinic, these conversations in the mpa admission essay always made me think and question the best approach and the fairest approach for the employee. We spent time in the class on the topic of motivation. Thinking back today, I am utilizing that conversation frequently in my role.

As I lead my team, I must remember motivation is unique to each employee — what works for some will not work for everyone. I am in the private sector again currently and, although there is a sense of mission, it is different and perhaps less passionate than I witnessed at the Clinic and in my classes.

This expansion of my network and the lessons learned have been a helpful reminder for me of the reason people go into public service. As I mpa admission essay to stories about their day-to-day experiences, I hear of the commitment to the constituents and the commitment to the mission of their organization. Leadership Effectiveness One of the most enjoyable classes I completed in the MPA program was a leadership elective, mpa admission essay. It lasted just a week at the Kansas Union, but in that week, allowed the students to become immersed in what public leadership is all about, mpa admission essay.

The ideas of servant leadership, mpa admission essay, emotional intelligence and perseverance are mpa admission essay concepts we discovered in that course that stay with me today as I lead a team of professionals and constantly question the most effective approach to leadership One book I reviewed tied to these concepts and certainly one I reference today is The Servant Leader by Ken Blanchard.

Like many leaders in public service, it takes a values and morals-based approach to planning, training and coaching. The approach lends itself to improved attention on the employee for their development and support. This makes sense in the public sector given the frequent resource challenges and the idea the employees will need to make up what the budget does not allow with the public servants heart.

Emotional intelligence is another concept I was first introduced to in the program. I have valued this information as I interact with a variety of people in the program and in my professional setting. Emotional intelligence is a tool that truly allows for meaningful and impactful interaction. It makes all of us better and helps us achieve more through the realization that we are all unique and see reality through mpa admission essay own individual lens.

I see such value in the concept, that I utilize EQ tools with my team to allow us to better apply the concept and make the best use of our strengths and opportunities. One of my favorite quotes on leadership, which I came across during the program, is by Peter F. They have had the ability to help me understand topics I may not have otherwise and gain an appreciation for the importance of each in the world of public service.

Leadership is about doing the right things and my experiences in the program have provided a top-notch example of how that shows up in the public sector. As Mayor Peggy Dunn of Leawood was asked how she approaches a situation where she has a conflict between what her constituency wants and what her values and morals mpa admission essay for, she responded that she must be able to sleep at night. She shared her approach to making decisions was always a balance between understanding the needs of the stakeholders and the research and history.

She did not always have the right answers, but she surrounded herself with smart people and listened to her gut instinct. The public servant must overcome these obstacles and others to be successful in their day-to-day work. They must support the mission of their employer and do all they can to be the best public servant they can, sometimes without the mpa admission essay and other resources they deserve. My knowledge of the budget and planning process increased exponentially in the Finance and Budgets courses.

The long-term perspective on planning, developing contingency plans and involving the stakeholders for approval was eye-opening. As we discovered the many facets of preparing and receiving approval for a budget, we also spoke about implementation of that budget. Coming into the courses, I would have expected the process of developing it to be the tough piece; however I would have been incorrect. The implementation of the budget, mpa admission essay, even with the stakeholders on board can take many twists and turns and the classes within the program shared with us what those may look like environmental factors, change in administration or policy, etc… and how we might anticipate and prepare for them.

This process certainly requires perseverance. Through the years, I have gotten married, changed jobs multiple times, moved three times, had two children and seen my husband get laid off as a result of the downturn in the economy. Through each of these obstacles, I had to make a choice between leaving the program or sticking with it and succeeding. There were times I had to take a break to have each of my daughters or support my maternity leave.

I have seen them persevere and they have inspired me to do the same. The girl that mpa admission essay the MPA program years ago is far from the same person I am today. That girl would have been terrified to save the MPA statistics class for her final semester. In that way, I feel very much like the public servants I have the privilege to meet in mpa admission essay classes.

Growth and Strength Public servants take many forms and all require strength to be a success. Perhaps none require more strength in the face of a challenge than the leader of our country. Even though I am in the MPA program, I believe those conversations mpa admission essay experiences would be beneficial for all Americans. Having mpa admission essay to the public sector at the Federal, State and Local levels has also been a very empowering experience in the MPA program.

The experiences shared by all of my peers have been instrumental in improving my understanding of how government works and where I might like to play a role. It is because of my experiences in the MPA program that my career goal has changed to be more public sector-focused.

Looking Ahead It has been over seven years since the start of my MPA program. Personally, the mpa admission essay of the MPA program has been overwhelming to think through, mpa admission essay. I feel such pride in knowing that I have developed, mpa admission essay, through the course of the program, the leadership, perseverance and strength to succeed.

I would like to thank the faculty and staff of the Masters of Public Administration program for mpa admission essay me to spend the last seven years in a program that truly mpa admission essay the incredible rankings and acknowledgement it receives, mpa admission essay. I am so proud to become a graduate of the program and will tell anyone I connect with about my positive experience. During the program, I have had exposure to amazing people mpa admission essay from KU and in my peers in the class.

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mpa admission essay

MPA Essay. Nine years ago, I completed my Bachelor’s Degree at Baker University and decided I would pursue the Masters of Public Administration program at the University of Kansas. At the time, I was working in the non-profit sector and felt the business themes, combined with the government and non-profit specifics would be a fantastic fit for my Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins Essay 2. Public service professionals face tremendous challenges both in and out of the workplace. Resilience and strength of character are vital characteristics for success in any facet of public service. Describe a challenge you encountered in your personal, professional, or academic life 10/28/ · Harvard Kennedy School MPP & MPA application essay questions MPP and MPA mandatory personal history essay Diversity of all kinds (race and ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, physical abilities, political philosophy, intellectual focus, socioeconomic status, geographic and many others) is important to enriching the educational Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins

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