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Critically assess essay structure

Critically assess essay structure

critically assess essay structure

5/23/ · In my lessons, my teacher told me to approach the 'Critically assess ' question (Unit 3: Synoptic study, AS AQA) by first describe the theory and then raise criticisms and discuss them in turn. But what I found in the Mark Scheme was about critical points, most of which I 6/1/ · The main body of the essay expands upon the central themes and arguments. It states all the information you have about the topic. Ensure that you approach the subject with an open mind To critically evaluate an issue is to look at it from all perspectives. Don’t let your personal opinion or judgements colour of your Assignment Essay Help 9/29/ · All members of my department use the same structure for essay writing. It works for all three parts of the OCR course: Philosophy, Ethics and Theology. 1. What is the examiner looking for? They want you to critically evaluate and justify a point of view through the use of evidence and reasoned argument. Grade ‘A’ candidates characteristically

How To Write A Critical Essay, with Samples

This paper discusses concepts of organisational transformation. Specifically, critically assess essay structure examines how the structure and cultures of the organisation can either facilitate or reduce its capability to transform, critically assess essay structure.

In doing this, the paper highlights six theories of organisational transformation. It also highlights the various types of organisational change: planned, emergent and incremental. It later focuses on the impact of organisational culture and structure on the transformational ability of the organisation. It ends with a comprehensive conclusion of the issues discussed.

The dynamism that characterizes present day organisational environments makes it imperative for organisations to embrace change and transformation. According to Dawsonorganisational change is defined as the adoption of new approaches critically assess essay structure organisational processes.

Another definition for organisational change was given by Burneswho referred to organisational change as the understanding of alteration within an organisation both at broadcast levels — among individual employees — and collective levels —in the whole organisation. However, there are many instances where change is resisted. Reasons for this include fear of uncertainties and the fact that change changes disrupt certain habits.

There are several factors that can either facilitate or inhibit the implementation of change within an organisation. Among these factors are organisational culture and organisational structures.

Organisational culture is made up of collective behaviours and values of members of a given organisation, and the factors that determine their actions Alvesson, From these definitions, it is evident that these two organisational aspects have an influence on the implementation of organisational transformation.

This report will critically evaluate the extent to which organisational culture and structure can affect the ability of organisations to transform themselves. Insights about organisational change can be better developed by understanding the theories that govern these changes.

There are six main models of organisational change. These are dialectical, life cycle, evolutionary, social cognition teleological and cultural theories Kezar, The evolutionary theory is based on the assumption that transformations in organisations take place in response to external situations, or other circumstantial variables that are faced by all organisations.

The teleological model, also referred to as the planned change model, assumes that organisational transformation takes place when stakeholders see the need for change Bouckenooghe, The life cycle model conceptualises change as a developmental process of an organisation over time. The dialectical theory visualizes organisational change as a process that occurs because of differences in ideologies and beliefs critically assess essay structure people within the organisation.

The social cognition model assumes that change is connected to learning and changing of behaviours among people in the organisation Burnes, The cultural approach to organisational change assumes that change takes place in a natural way to respond to the cultural transformations that are always taking place. Understanding these theories aids in the assessment of change in the macro-levels of organizations. They give reasons as to why, when, critically assess essay structure, how and what changes are bound to occur in organizations Dawson, Furthermore, every model that has been explained above stands for a unique critically assess essay structure that relates with its assumptions about different aspects of the organization.

Some of these aspects include the ease of implementing change in the organization. In literature and practice, it has been established that the teleological and evolutionary models are the most prevalent Kezar, The teleological model is synonymous with planned change while the evolutionary model is synonymous with incremental change.

These types of change have been explained below. There are three types of organisational change, planned, emergent and incremental Myers et al. Planned organisational change is constructed on the assumption that an organisation operates in an environment that is stable.

Thus, critically assess essay structure, transformations are pre-meditated and executed systematically. Emergent change is a continuous open-ended process that is characterised by unpredictability and an emphasis on the bottom-up approach to management. Organisational culture, as aforementioned, is made up of values and beliefs which shape the behaviours and norms within an organisation.

Thus, it has an influence on the way organisational processes take place. One attribute of organisational culture that can be used to gauge the extent of its impact on the ability of an organisation to change is its capacity for risk taking Kezar, ; Curran, According to Curranresearch has suggested that risk cultures facilitate adaptability and innovativeness in organisations, critically assess essay structure.

When changes take place within an organisation, there is always an element of risk and uncertainty that accompanies it. Organisations that have cultivated a culture of risk enable their managers and employees to comfortably make choices different to those which they might otherwise have made, without being afraid that their choices fail.

The social cognition model of organisational change also stresses the need for organisations to create a culture that supports risk, allowing change in organisational processes without fear of failure.

According to Kezarorganisations that are characterised by risky and flexible cultures have the ability to make quick responses to sudden issues and crises. In addition to this, they are able to successfully adapt their business techniques to new trends, regardless of the outcome. This is exemplified by companies like Google, whose abilities to develop new services to capture markets have made them leaders in their industry.

This is a typical display of the evolutionary model of organisational change Curran, There are also other aspects and types of organisational culture which slow down transformation. Transformation does not take place until it is planned Ford et al.

Cultures that fit this description are those that are stable, orderly and are in control. These types of organisational culture tend to be predictable and mechanistic. They tend to believe that it is better to stick to the known than embrace the unknown. The advantage of these cultures is that they are consistent and sustainable, and offer higher levels of job security.

Such cultures do not encourage innovativeness and creativity amongst employees, and are slow to respond to changes in the environment. This type of organisation tends to be well- established, having been in operation for a long time. Like organisational culture, the effects that organisational structures have on change are varied. Some structures that support change, others do not. All these frameworks have aspects critically assess essay structure facilitate organisational change and other aspects which suppress or limit the change.

The centralisation framework suggests that centralized organisational structures are characterized by decisions being made at higher levels of the hierarchy.

On the other hand, decisions in decentralized structures are made by people who are closest critically assess essay structure the issues at hand Carpenter et al. Of the two, the decentralized structure is likely to be more suitable for facilitating change. Formalization in organisational structures refers to the extent to which explicit articulation of rules, procedures and responsibilities exist within an organisation.

Organisational structures with high levels of formalization have more written rules and regulations than those with lower levels, critically assess essay structure. Because of this, innovativeness and creativity reduce as formalisation increases within the organisation Juillerat, Thus, since innovation and creativity are synonymous with organisational transformation, lower levels of formality increase the transformation capability of organisations.

The departmentalisation framework is divided into functional and divisional structures. Functional structures have departments based on responsibilities to be carried out. On the other hand, critically assess essay structure, a divisional structure creates departments based on unique products in the organisation.

Within each department is a replication critically assess essay structure functional departments Carpenter et al. Divisional structures facilitate organisational change more than functional structures, because they have increased innovation and creativity and reduced response time.

Structures that are divided into many hierarchies between top and bottom tall structures slow down the decision making process within the organisation. On the other hand, organisations that have flat structures, with fewer hierarchies, have more equality between employees Carpenter et al. Therefore, there is more flexibility, innovation and facilitation of change. As shown in all the frameworks above, critically assess essay structure, organisational structures that delegate decision making to the larger employee body as opposed to concentrating it amongst a few managers at the top increase the ability of organisations to transform.

This paper has highlighted the necessity of embracing change in the contemporary business world. It has also examined models and theories that define organisational change. Organisational structures and cultures are vital components of any organisation and are considered to play a large role in determining the ability of organisations to transform. More stable, orderly and controlling organisational cultures tend to inhibit organisational transformation.

On the other hand, cultures that are flexible and dynamic increase the capability of organisations to transform. With reference to organisational structures, those that delegate decision-making to employees are better suited for transformation than those that give a few managers the responsibility for decision making. Bouckenooghe, D. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science46 4pp. Burnes, B. Managing change: A strategic critically assess essay structure to organisational dynamics.

London: Pitman. Carpenter, M. Principles of Management, critically assess essay structure. Flat World Knowledge. Covin, J. The influence of organisational structure. Journal of Management Studies25, pp, critically assess essay structure.

Curran, C. Organisational Culture. Journal for Nonprofit Management: The Path to Better Organisationspp. Daft, R. Organisation Theory and Design. Cincinnati: South-Western College Publishers. Organisation: Theory and Design. Mason: Cengage Learning.

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Critical Analysis Essay: Full Writing Guide with Examples | EssayPro

critically assess essay structure

9/29/ · All members of my department use the same structure for essay writing. It works for all three parts of the OCR course: Philosophy, Ethics and Theology. 1. What is the examiner looking for? They want you to critically evaluate and justify a point of view through the use of evidence and reasoned argument. Grade ‘A’ candidates characteristically 8/19/ · A critical analysis essay requires its writers to write a critical evaluation of an argument. Topics can range from analyzing a modern or historical event, film, book, types of music, and complicated social and political issues. It is a form of evaluation and observation with subjective elements Options include 'brainstorming' your ideas for the essay on paper - jotting down a list of questions and issues prompted by the essay question, all the relevant examples you can think of and any other related evidence. Re-check your notes and add missing material. Then link connected ideas and points

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