9/19/ · 10 Lines Essay on Cow: 1. A cow is a helpful domestic animal. 2. The Hindus worship it as “Gau Mata”. 3. It has two sharp horns, two ears, a big nose, two eyes, a long tail and four thin legs. 4. It eats grass, rice, husk, hay, vegetables and etc. 5. A female cow gives milk. 6. From milk, we make 12/24/ · Cow Essay 6 ( words) Cow is a very useful pet animal. It is a successful domestic animal kept by people at home for many purposes. It is a four footed female animal having a large body, two horns, two eyes, two ears, one nose, one mouth, one head, a big back and stomach. She eats large amount of food in one time The Cow Essay In English For Class 1 The cow is a domestic animal which is considered useful to mankind. It is used as livestock mainly for providing various dairy products like milk, ghee and cheese. It is found in various colours, shapes and sizes around the world. In India, the cow is regarded as
Short Essay On Cow | Lines About Cow | Paragraph On Cow
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You can choose anyone according to your necessity. A cow is a helpful domestic animal. It has two sharp horns, two ears, a big nose, two eyes, cow easy essay, a long tail and four thin legs. It eats grass, rice, husk, hay, vegetables and etc.
A female cow gives milk. From milk, we make cheese, curd and sweets. She gives birth to the baby calf. It gives milk to the calf and takes care of it. We use its dung as a manure. We will take proper care of such animal. Related Essays, Paragraph for Kids and School Children's: Essay and Paragraph on Dog Essay on Peacock Essay on My Pet Dog Essay and Paragraph on Cat Elephant Essay Essay on Horse Tiger Essay.
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1/15/ · Essay on Cow: Cow serves humanity with many uses and has a divine place in Hindu mythology. The four legged animal has a large body structure with two eyes, ears and a mouth. Cow’s milk is highly nutritious consisting of calcium, vitamins & phosphorous, and it is used to prepare dairy products like butter, cheese, toned milk etc Cow it is very respected animal in India. People in India worship Cow as their mother. Cow is very holy animal they say that all god and goddess live in blogger.com is My Favourite Domestic Animal. Cow has 4 legs, 2 horns, 1 tail. It gives us milk. It falls in mammal category eats grass. Every part of Cow 12/24/ · Cow Essay 6 ( words) Cow is a very useful pet animal. It is a successful domestic animal kept by people at home for many purposes. It is a four footed female animal having a large body, two horns, two eyes, two ears, one nose, one mouth, one head, a big back and stomach. She eats large amount of food in one time
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