Your art history research paper should discuss some of the following elements within the body: Contour lines. Provide an outline of shapes for artworks on paper or wood. Words that you can use to describe contour Medium. This is the substance that the work is made with. Line. These are the View art_research_paper_outline from ART at The City College of New York, CUNY. Zhang Research Paper Outline Comparison Between The Classical and Hellenistic Greek Art This sample art research paper features: words (approx. 22 pages) and a bibliography with 52 sources. Browse other research paper examples for more inspiration. If you need a thorough research paper written according to all the academic standards, you
Guidelines for Analysis of Art - Department of Art and Design
Knowing how to write a formal analysis of a work of art is a fundamental skill learned in an art appreciation-level class. Students in art history survey and upper-level classes further develop this skill. Use this sheet as a guide when writing a formal analysis paper. Consider the following when analyzing a work art research paper outline art. Not everything applies to every work of art, nor is it always useful to consider things in the order given.
In any analysis, keep in mind the following: HOW and WHY is this a significant work of art? In a few sentences describe the work, art research paper outline. What does it look like? Is it a representation of something? Tell what is shown. Is it an abstraction of something? Tell what the subject is and what aspects are emphasized. Is it a non-objective work? Tell what elements are dominant. This section is not an analysis of the work yet, though some terms used in Part III might be used here.
This section is primarily a few sentences to give the reader a sense of what the work looks like. This is the key part of your paper. It should be the longest section of the paper. Be sure and think about whether the work of art selected is a two-dimensional or three-dimensional work. This is the part of the paper where you go beyond description art research paper outline offer a conclusion and your own informed opinion about the work. Any statements you make about the work should be based on the analysis in Part III above.
For further information and more discussions about writing a formal analysis, see the following. Some of these sources also give a lot of art research paper outline about writing a research paper in art history, that is, a paper more ambitious in scope than a formal analysis.
Stokstad and M. xxii-xxv is a brief outline. Barnet, A Short Guide to Writing About Art 9th edition,pp. html is probably more useful for a research paper in art history, but parts of this outline relate to discussing the form of a work of art. Each semester the Department of Art provides students opportunities to work in the department facilities.
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Our University At a Glance History Mission Statement Consumer Information Faculty and Staff, art research paper outline. News and Events News University Events. Helpful Links Map and Directions University Directory IT Services Human Resources Contact Us Safety and Parking Jobs at UA Little Rock. University of Arkansas at Little Rock Search:. Department of Art and Design. Gallery Hours Exhibitions Exhibit Proposals Shorts and Inside Art.
Art History Resources Papers and Projects Guidelines for Analysis of Art Formal Analysis Paper Examples Guidelines for Writing Art History Research Papers Oral Report Guidelines Art History Prizes Annual Arkansas College Art History Symposium Fast Facts. Little Rock Museums and Collections Arkansas Museums Regional Museums Links of Interest. Guidelines for Analysis of Art.
Part I — General Information In many cases, this information can be found on a label or in a gallery guidebook. If so, indicate in your text or by a footnote or endnote to your paper where you got the information.
Subject Matter Art research paper outline or What is Represented? Artist or Architect What person or group made it? Often this is not known. Date When was it made? Is it a copy of something older?
Was it made before or after other similar works? Provenance Where was it made? For whom? Is it typical of the art of a geographical area?
Location Where is the work of art now? Where was it originally located? Does the viewer look up at it, or down at it? If it is not in its original location, does the viewer see it art research paper outline the artist intended? Can it be seen on all sides, or just on one?
Technique and Medium What materials is it made of? How was it executed? How big or small is it? Part II — Brief Description In a few sentences describe the work. Part III — Form This is the key part of your paper. Art Elements Line straight, curved, angular, flowing, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, contour, art research paper outline, thick, thin, implied etc.
In this section, discuss how and why the key elements and principles of art used by the artist create meaning. Support your discussion of content with facts about the work. General Suggestions Pay attention to the date the paper is due. You should allow time to view the work you plan to write about and take notes. Always italicize or underline titles of works of art.
If the title is long, art research paper outline, you must use the full title the first time you mention it, but may shorten art research paper outline title for subsequent listings. Use the present tense in describing works of art.
Remember that any information you use from another source, whether it be your textbook, a wall panel, a museum catalogue, a dictionary of art, the internet, must be documented with a footnote. Failure to do so is considered plagiarism, and violates the behavioral standards of the university. MLA style is not acceptable for papers in art history. Allow time to proofread your paper. Read it out loud and see if it makes sense.
If you need help on the technical aspects of art research paper outline, use the University Writing Center or On-Line Writing Lab. Further Information For further information and more discussions about writing a formal analysis, see the following. Contact Department of Art and Design. Assistantship application Each semester the Department of Art provides students opportunities to work in the department facilities.
Learn more and apply… Locker Rentals Locker rentals are open. Take care of it here… Connect With Us. Skip to toolbar. Quick Links. Email Blackboard BOSS Class Search Campus Dining Academic Calendar University Events University Directory Art research paper outline Maps Jobs.
Graduate Research Project Outline: Guidelines and Model
, time: 7:48Guidelines for Writing Art History Research Papers - Department of Art and Design

A key reference guide for researching and analyzing works of art and for writing art history papers is the 10th edition (or later) of Sylvan Barnet’s work, A Short Guide to Writing about Art. Barnet directs students through the steps of thinking about a research topic, collecting information, and then writing and documenting a paper A full understanding of how to complete a solid art research paper will help you attain the good results in this intellectual activity. In general, all the college undergraduates majoring in Fine Arts, Performing Arts or Art History are required to have the particular knowledge in writing some different academic assignments – essays, reviews, analyses, research papers, etc Your art history research paper should discuss some of the following elements within the body: Contour lines. Provide an outline of shapes for artworks on paper or wood. Words that you can use to describe contour Medium. This is the substance that the work is made with. Line. These are the
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